The Sounds of Liepāja in Rundāle Palace. CONCERT DISCUSSION: The ancient world and modern times: the inherited and the lost | LIEPĀJA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA

The Sounds of Liepāja in Rundāle Palace. CONCERT DISCUSSION: The ancient world and modern times: the inherited and the lost

Tickets are available here

05/08/2023    16.00
Rundāle, Rundāle Palace

On 5 August the Rundāle Palace will host the “Sounds of Liepāja in Rundāle Palace” Festival organised by the Liepāja Symphony Orchestra. 

This year, the Festival programme will include three events, so that the audience can enjoy not only the magic of symphonic music by Johannes Brahms and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,  but also a magical night concert featuring music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach and Benjamin Britten. 

The Festival will begin with a concert discussion, where Orests Silabriedis accompanied by the art historian Imants Lancmanis and the philosopher Uldis Tīrons, will discuss the inherited and lost things from the ancient world, the classicism era and the contemporary time.

In the conversation held by Orests Silabriedis with the art historian Imants Lancmanis and the philosopher Uldis Tīrons a symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which in the early 19th century was wilfully named Jupiter, will be used as a starting point for discussion. The ancient world, the classicism era and the contemporary times. The inherited and the lost. Mozart and the contemporaneity. The mundane and the spiritual. 

And to sum it up, they will slightly touch on the world of the celestial planets.

In the course of the discussion the musical interludes performed by Liepāja Symphony Orchestra musicians Reinis Lapa (flute) and Elizabeta Lāce (harp) will feature Marcel Tournier's Two Romantic Preludes, François Couperin's Miniatures and also the New Work in Antique Style by Ernests Valts Circenis will be premiered. 


Reinis LAPA (flute)
Elizabeta LĀCE (harp)

The “Sounds of Liepāja in Rundāle Palace” Festival is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia, the State Cultural Capital Foundation and Liepāja City.



Pupils, students, disabled persons, pensioners – 2 euros
3+ family card holders – 30%
Teachers, lecturers and medical workers – 20%

Groups (10 or more people) – 15%
When purchasing group tickets online, please send an e-mail to

When attending the concert, the visitor must present a document certifying their eligibility to a discount.

Tickets are available here